13 нояб. 2024 г.

Backup Mikrotik configuration to FTP and SFTP

 Based on https://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php?p=1048273 by fra81ita
Added SFTP

### Set local variables. Change the value between "" to reflect your environment. Do not delete quotation marks.
:local ftpserver "FTP-SERVER-FQDN_or_IP-ADDRESS"
:local username "FTP-SERVER-USERNAME"
:local password "FTP-SERVER-PASSWORD"
:local remotedirectory "mikrotik"
### Set Local and Remote Filename variables. Do not change this unless you want to edit the format of the filename.
### Default "local file name" is always the same to avoid lots of files and running out of space, "remote file name" uploaded to FTP has the date
:local hostname [/system identity get name]
:local date ([:pick [/system clock get date] 7 11] \
. [:pick [/system clock get date] 0 3] \
. [:pick [/system clock get date] 4 6]);
:local localfilename "$hostname-Backup-Daily";
:local remotefilename "$remotedirectory/$hostname-$date";
### Enable for Debug removing staing hash in the following lines
:log info "$localfilename";
:log info "$remotefilename";
:log info "$hostname";
:log info "$date";
### Stating the Backup
:log info "STARTING BACKUP";
### Create backup file and export the config.
export compact file="$localfilename"
/system backup save name="$localfilename"
:log info "Backup Created Successfully"
### Upload backup file to FTP server.
/tool fetch address=$ftpserver src-path="$localfilename.backup" \
user=$username mode=ftp password=$password \
dst-path="$remotefilename.backup" upload=yes
:log info "Config Uploaded Successfully"
### Upload config file to FTP server.
/tool fetch address=$ftpserver src-path="$localfilename.rsc" \
user=$username mode=ftp password=$password \
dst-path="$remotefilename.rsc" upload=yes
:log info "Config Uploaded Successfully"
### Upload config file to SFTP server.
/tool fetch url="sftp://$ftpserver/home/mikrotik/$remotefilename.backup" src-path="$localfilename.backup" \
user=$username  password=$password \
:log info "Backup Uploaded Successfully"
### Upload config file to SFTP server.
/tool fetch url="sftp://$ftpserver/home/mikrotik/$remotefilename.rsc" src-path="$localfilename.rsc" \
user=$username  password=$password \
:log info "Config Uploaded Successfully"

### Wait 2 second before doing anything
delay 2;
### Remove starting hash in the following lines to delete created backup files once they have been uploaded. I usually let them there because it's useful having them ready.
#/file remove "$localfilename.backup"
#/file remove "$localfilename.rsc"
#:log info "Local Backup Files Deleted Successfully"
### Finishing the Backup
:log info "BACKUP FINISHED";